Thursday, December 30, 2010


~~Kita kembali sejenak pada abab pertengahan. Masuk ke salah satu kastil dan melihat awan yang membahana dari balkon kastil ditemani beberapa ksatria berkuda di bawah sana yang bersiap mati jika dibutuhkan. Wahahaha... Tampaknya saya terlalu berlebihan. Postingan kali ini memang berhubungan dengan latar yang saya buat di awal, kita seolah dibawa ke abad ketika kita belum dilahirkan. Teman-teman dari ARMORED yang menemani kita ke sana, band Gothic Metal asal Bandung. Mereka sebenarnya sudah tidak asing lagi di genre musik ini, mereka adalah reinkarnasi dari band Terrible Symphonic.
Sangat wajib mengisi playlist kita di sela musik yang itu-itu saja yang kita dengarkan. Seperti sedang mendengarkan Dani Filth berduet dengan Cristina Scabbia serta Sharon Del Adel. Gothic dengan karakter vokal Metal scream Cradle Of Filth. Yeah... Dan saat part 'bernyanyi' membuat kita teringat band-band Symphony Gothic macam Xandria, Within Temptation, Van Goth, Blood Forge, hingga Epica. Saya berimajinasi jika mereka membuat video klip, sangat bercerita dan kental akan atmosfer abad pertengahan seperti halnya video klip Kivimetsan Druidi. Segeralah membuat video klip kawan!! Hehe..  Secara keseluruhan saya suka band ini. Bagaimana denganmu?? jangan buang waktu, langsung download single mereka ini. Gratisss!!!
Make your days more darkest than before! Download their single for free!!

Armored story:
Initially, the band has name of Terrible Symphonic, a gothic metal band that has been running since 2001 and quite frequent of releasing singles or be involved in some compilation. The band also has long experience in stage performances, but since they had been quite frequent of modifying the line-up, the band had once sleepy and it caused their EP release was suspended, which supposed to be released in 2009.
This year, Terrible Symphonic decided to change its name and start all over again. By choosing the name of Armored (which is assumed can represent material they would offered).

Armored contact:

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Romantic Embrace

~~ Postingan baru muncul lagi, kali ini datang dari band yang menamakan dirinya Romantic Embrace. Band Hardcore asal Bandung yang kali ini memberikan demo mereka untuk di-share secara gratis. Ada 5 lagu jagoan mereka di demo ini dan ada juga versi live mereka saat manggung. Kalian bisa dengar sendiri. Setelah men-download-nya tentu saja. Cukup 'Old School Hardcore' dan juga ada sisi 'Romantic' entah di part yang mana. Download and feel the romantic side that you can embrace from this band!!!

Berkenalan dengan Romantic Embrace:
Bermula dari hanya sekedar kelakar, ROMANTIC EMBRACE akhirnya terbentuk menjadi sebuah band. Mungkin bukan band tepatnya, melainkan sebuah perkumpulan sahabat dan kerabat yang selalu merealisasikan segala apa yang mereka rasakan melalui beberapa buah nada sederhana, chord yang ber-repetisi dengan durasi singkat, ketukan dengan beat yang konstan, dan diutarakan melalui lirik yang positif dan lugas yang mungkin kalian pikir itu adalah bernyanyi tetapi mereka menyebut itu adalah orasi.
ROMANTIC EMBRACE terbentuk pada pertengahan tahun 2008, berpersonilkan 5 orang (Vian – Messenger, Ganjar – Guitar, Dyon –
Guitar, Ganjar – Bass, Marzen – Drums). Line up tersebut tidak bertahan lama, Ganjar pada posisi Bass terpaksa mengundurkan
diri dikarenakan alasan yang klasik umumnya sebuah band. Setelah melalui bursa transfer pada awal musim, akhirnya posisi
Ganjar pada Bass digantikan oleh Gilang (Ex-Shut Me Out). Line up ini berlanjut hingga sekarang. Semula mereka meng-cover beberapa lagu dari Better Than A Thousand dan beberapa band era “Old School” ataupun “Youth Crew” lainnya, namun pada awal tahun 2009 akhirnya mereka berhasil merilis sebuah Demo Tape yang bertajuk “This Is Our Pride”.
Mereka mengklaim sama sekali tidak mengalami kemunduran musikalitas atas karya yang mereka hasilkan, mengingat lirik,
sound, beat, chord dan nada yang mereka perdengarkan menenggelamkan kita pada masa kurang lebih 15 tahun kebelakang. Hal tersebut ternyata membuat mereka menjadi semakin kokoh dan tangguh terhadap idealitas yang selama ini mereka pahami, yakini dan jalani. Sebuah idealitas yang akan tetap mereka patuhi hari ini, esok, dan nanti.

Discography :
Teriak & Berontak (single) // 2008
This Is Our Pride (demo tape) //2009
Spirit of United (Compilation) //2009
Walk Together with The Kids (split with NOTHING FACE )

Romantic Embrace contact:
E-mail / fb:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

We Ride: Interview

~~Kali ini postingan dari hasil wawancara kita dengan WE RIDE. Wawancara ini diambil pada akhir bulan lalu, yang syukurnya mereka masih mau menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan saya di sela kesibukkan manggung mereka. Saya suka band ini, ketika ada band-band  yang baru muncul bergaya layaknya band legenda abad ini, mereka dengan santai menjawab pertanyaan dari blog sederhana ini yang mungkin kalau dihitung secara ekonomi dan secara fungsi mungkin tidak bisa membuat mereka lebih terkenal. Tak ada arogansi. Hehe.. Nice! Thanks for our friends in WE RIDE!! Check this interview and feel the Directions of  WE RIDE. Also free to download their demo and album! This is legal! Enjoy!

Borja, Brais, Mimi, Victor

1. How are you guys? Please introduce yourselves.

Hi! We’re WE RIDE, a 4 piece hardcore band formed in Vigo, Spain!
Mimi - vocals
Borja - guitar
Victor - bass
Brais - drums

2. Who had the idea to start WE RIDE (WR)?When and how WR formed?

We ride started in 2009 with our first drummer Dani, with who we recorded our Demo ’09, Borja was back from spending some time outside Vigo and came back with the idea of forming a new band, we gave our first shows and for personal reasons Dani decided to leave the  band, we knew Brais because his other band and that’s where WR started!!

3. I like your band name, unique.Why did you choose WE RIDE as your band name? There is a special meaning behind the name?

When took it from a sentence that says “We ride together, we die together”
It means like friends till the end, that are we!

4. How do you describe your music? What is the biggest influence for WE RIDE?

Our music express the way we see the world every day! Our music, despite being positive, is full of hate and anger for all the people that controls the world today, and try to manage our live.

5. What does Hardcore means for you guys? And until when you were Hardcore? Haha..

Hardcore for us, besides the music we love, has been our direction in this life. A life based on respect towards others, towards animals, towards the environment, and to be always shouting and struggling for a better world. Through the hardcore we met hundreds of amazing people around the world and visiting new cities. As one of our songs says “We ride hardcore till the day we die”. (Wow, it’s a great words, but i think maybe it’s also hard statement when we haven’t great passion for. Hardcore lives!!! WTPz)

6. Are you all Straight Edge? What does straight edge means for you?

Mimi: I am the only Straight Edge in the band!
I’m straight edge for 4 years, it’s the way i choosed to live my life, what makes me happy with myself, my ideals, a lifetime commitment.

7. What do you think About people sellout from straight edge?

Mimi: Go kill yourself! Hahahahaha... (Yeah, you right Mimi. It’s mean like rape our fucking promise. Think twice before make a decision! WTPz)

8. We move to the next question. We ride is a hardcore band with a woman as the
Front. Question to Mimi as a vocalist. Are there dificulties to be the only woman in a Hardcore band? And have you experienced bad treatment at the stage from the audience because you are a girl

Mimi: No way!!! I never had any problem for being a girl, opposite, people sometimes is more concerned about you, but i like to be treated like everyone else, there’s no difference on the stage between a boy or a girl, actually we see more and more girls enjoying hardcore shows, i really like that and for me it’s really special sharing stage with other girls. We have a WR t.shirt that says, “female fronted, girls do  it better” Haha..
And as the only girl in the band we never had any problem about that, of spending so much time together sometimes i forget that i’m a girl. Hahahaha...
(Hahahaha, it’s cool. I’ve saw the t-shirt that you said, and the girls should be. Here isn’t much bands who have a girl as a front. WTPz)

9. How do you keep the friendship in a band? How close are you to one another?

We’re not friends…
We are a family! Hahaha..
We’re really very very close! Two of us are roommates and provided that we can go together to eat, dinner, going to other shows, go out partying, or simply drink a coffee or go for a walk!
We’re also a band that rehearse  a lot, we never pass more than two days without seeing us. (Wow, yes you’re family guys. I mean, you’re like a brothers and sister on the same house. Full house! Hehe.. We can learn from you, friend like a family – family more than just a friend. Nice! WTPz)

10. Congratulations for your Directions LP released. You have been doing Directions album promo tour, how's the response?
The releases shows are being really amazing! Every shows we see new people singing our songs, wearing our merch… For us this is something that seems crazy!!

11. I’ve heard your Directions album. I Like it. Do you also plan to make a video clip?

We’ve been thinking about making a “profesional” video clip.
But we finally decided to do it ourselves with help of our friends, so yes! We are thinking a lot about it, we only have to decide the song and work on it. It’s gonna be great! (Sure, it would be great! I can’t wait for that guys. WTPz)

12. How's Hardcore scene in Vigo, Spain?

Borja: The scene today is better than before! There are more bands than ever, and many people struggling to keep hardcore growing!
In Spain we haven’t a scene as big as in other European countries like France, Germany and Belgium ... but certainly between Spain and Portugal any band can make a very good tour here!

13. What is your plan in the near future?

The first for us is to continue releasing our album in Spain and Portugal! We want to play in all cities/towns! We’ve been playing in an abandoned train station in a very very small town in Spain, which lived just 100 people!
I think it was our concert with fewer people, but it was great! We would return tomorrow if they call us! Hahahahha.. (Sounds great there, hehe.. WTPz)
Next month will announce the first dates/countries of our European tour, which will consist of two parts!

14. Thank you for taking the time for this interview and also thanks for an album that you share on our little blog. The last words or messages or anything else to our blog readers or friends on Indonesia?

Thank you for counting with us and for giving us a place in your blog, your work is great! We hope you all enjoy our “Directions”.  It’s amazing knowing our music get’s so far. We hope to see you all one day on a We Ride show round there!
We Ride Hardcore 2010!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, i hope i can see your show in here someday. See you guys! Thank you! Go WE RIDE! WTPz)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

We Ride: Directions LP 2010

~~Serang!! Kembali dengan WE RIDE. Mereka baru merilis album Directions di tahun 2010 ini. Mereka juga telah mengadakan promo tour ke sejumlah kota dan negara. Sekarang kalian bisa men-download album ini. Senang sekali. Dan juga kebetulan kami diberi kepercayaan dan kesempatan untuk men-share seluruh lagu album Directions ini secara gratis. Dan
s there anything better than this? Haha..
Bagi kalian yang senang dengan band-band female fronted hardcore seperti: REACHING HAND (Portugal) atau xTRUSTx (Argentina), kalian akan suka dengan band satu ini. Seperti sedang mendengarkan COMEBACK KID yang dipadu karakter vokal very early Candace Kucsulain. Ada semacam gaya hardcore Portugal juga di dalamnya meskipun mereka adalah band hardcore asal Vigo, Spanyol. Download their album and feel the Directions of WE RIDE! It's free till you fucking die! Haha..
And our interview with WE RIDE will coming soon!!

Thanks for Mimi, Borja, and all of friends in WE RIDE to give your trust to us.
We appreciate it

Hey, for someone.. Please bring them here!! Hehe.. Go WE RIDE!!

WE RIDE contact:
Email adress:
Booking adress:
Official We Ride Merchstore:

*We have permission for these free downloads


We Ride: Demo 2009

~~Senang sekali bertemu dengan posting baru. Kali ini datang dari teman-teman WE RIDE, band female fronted hardcore asal Vigo, Spanyol. Ini adalah demo mereka di tahun 2009. Ada 4 lagu apik yang wajib disimak dan didengarkan. Gratis dari menit pertama, Hah.. kayanya pernah denger yang begituan. Haha..
Download their songs for free!!! And we have more about WE RIDE. Keep on this blog frequently!

WE RIDE story:
We Ride born in Vigo in 2009. Four friends (Mimi, Borja, Victor and Brais) and the Hardcore as a thing in common We Ride have toured in almost all of Spain and Portugal during their first year of life, during which they published the “Demo ´09”. In 2010, without leaving aside the shows, they have written and recorded their debut album: “Directions”; 12 new direct songs of Hardcore/punk.

WE RIDE contact:
Email adress:
Booking adress:
Official We Ride Merchstore:


Monday, December 6, 2010

N4S: Interview

"Feeding the stomachs of the poor is not difficult, but feeding the starving hearts of humanity with Prema Bhakti – that is the greatest challenge."

~~ Hallo lagi! Saya sengaja menjadikan kutipan tersebut menjadi semacam headline. Ini adalah kutipan dari interview kami dengan N4S, band Noisecore punk asal Filipina. Mereka juga seorang bhakta Krishna, vegan/vegetarian, dan Straight Edge. Jujur wawancara ini banyak memberikan pelajaran khususnya bagi saya selaku yang ngedit materi ini. Kesederhanaan dalam berpikir justru membuat kekuatan yang mendalam untuk menjalani hidup ini. Sangat filosofis. Ada semacam sentuhan rohani namun universal. Selamat menikmati! I think this is real transcendental interview. Hehe.. You can download their album here. And this interview would be publish too on Betterday Zine (Printed version, only Indonesian language) and also here: Check this one out! Hare Krishna!

1. Hi, guys! How are you? Can you introduce yourselves to our friends in Indonesia.

Namaste. Hello to everyone there, I'm Balarama Das, screaming for N4S, other members are:
Bhakta Joel Pabuna aka Manay Doggie - transcendental barks
Gaurasundara Das - mystical guitar
Bhakta Marco Polo - yogi bass
Bhakta Vic - goloka drums

2. Before I begin with questions about N4S, what do you know about Indonesia?
Hmmmm... As far as geographical location, I guess your the nearest neighboring country of Philippines. I heard about the beautiful Bali Island. And I heard about there's a healthy scene of positive hc punk there. Just very little information about your local scene, so we will greatly appreciate if you will update us about your D.I.Y scene. (Well, I think D.I.Y scene here almost same like in Philippines even not more “colorful” than yours“. But here (Bandung City, the place that i living), to make a gig is very hard. Police will be very stingy to give permission. Moreover if there are any chaotic situation on the gigs, the permission would be harder to get. And I think because the people is not “really” respect. Although a lot of people or bands scream for “respect” as a important thing for this scene. Haha.. It’s a contradiction. WTPz)

3. You just released your album "The City Of Nine Gates". Talk about what this album?
" The City Of Nine Gates" is a portrayal of our inner journey of awakenings from external to internal worlds... It's a commencement of (R)evolutionary progression in the
life of N4S....a total of 17 noises, 5 of them was from the demo album "The noise Of An Old Intelligence" released 2 years ago, then 5 tracks were just played 2 months ago and the rest was played for the first time and recorded on the spot 3 weeks ago somewhere here in Pasig City on the month of Damodara.... The summary of purports of this album were about the nature of this mundane world - How we embraced this material dross. Delusions and dust that slips our hold. Time and again as we try to catch it, the self cannot be cleansed of it's impurities and finds itself powerless to ascend to the inner worlds.... It's about how we run away from a ruby and run after an empty shell...We had forsaken truth and yearned falsehood. We had attained this human form and in carnal joys was wasted- the fool the nectar gained yet it was poison we tasted...we dwell in this temporary material body- the city of nine gates- in absorption and attachments....

4. N4S is a Hare Krishna band, what makes you (your band) form the band with Krishna as the ideology?
N4S was started way back 1994 as a noisecore punk, then after releasing our 10th year anniversary album in 2004, a dawn of fear arises, a thought of change.... I just left behind and leave everything - the rusted modern society, beset by their inner emptiness, a cosmic dislocation and existential uncertainty....disillusioned by the whole show of this world, nothing seemed attractive, robbing the dimensions of our lives, I am sick of this material rat race, riches and games...I want a higher life.... we disguise our struggle by piling up figures in a bankbook to reflect privately our sense of heroic worth or by having only a better home in the neighborhood, a bigger car, brighter children, beautiful wife or big family, gratifying our senses.... but underneath throbs the ache for cosmic specialness no matter how we mast it in concerns for smaller scope.....

This is not an ideology...It's a destruction of poisonous pride....restriction of false ego...a sweet nectar, an inundation of various bliss...She's within our hearts... an unquenchable thirst to the core of our being is a focus of consciousness that is itself evidence of higher reality.....
Some individuals were categorizing as an "Hare Krishna Band", maybe because of our active involvement in the movement of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the initiator of the Hare Krishna Movement. But this movement is not a religious sectarian group or dogmatic bullshits, it's a transcendental revolutionary cultural movement to develop the potent metaphysical instincts of human beings and giving them a chance to expand and express themselves to it's fullest potential.... This is not a religious formula or some spiritual recreation, but is the most important factor of my life....Our lives....The aim.... The ultimate purpose....The higher taste.

5. And you're a Vegan/Vegetarian band too, is there any relation between Hare Krishna and veganism/vegetarianism? If there, what's the part of that?
Mutual respect for the sacred status of all life forms and all living beings based on their common quality of being emanations from the Absolute Truth....This is the basic principles of a young practitioner of yoga of bhakti, you will develop a character of compassion and realizations on the interconnection of lives in this cosmic universe, and you will cultivate the mood of humility and by the virtue of true knowledge, you will see in equal vision the man-woman-cow-pig-birds-fishes-dogs...... In the lives of vaisnavas, it's a common practice to be a vegetarian, it's just a natural transformation to avoid the consumption and eating of animals.... (Yes, Ahimsa –non violence. Because the God just receive our present from leaves, flowers, fruits, and water that presented by our prema bhakti. And we’re only get from the rest of the present as prasadam. I’ve red that from the local ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) flyer. WTPz)

6. What does Straight Edge mean to you? And what do you think about people sellout from Straight Edge?
Again the sincere and serious practitioner of bhakti yoga do not take any form of intoxicants like alcohol,wine, beer, cigarettes, drugs and all this unnecessary destructive and nonsense substances....
Those who are serious practitioner of the path of bhakti will develop a taste for higher activities and engagements that satisfies the real self...Through practice of discipline and controlling the senses, one no longer indulge or participate on thighs that will just waste your time and energy...again it's a common practice for the vaisnavas to avoid taking any kind of intoxicants....So there's no separate endeavor to be a "straight edge" once you are sincere and determined to pure bhakti process.....

As far as I know, straight edge is a way of living a clean and pure life..... We are all a bunch of drunkards and drug users before, but because of the teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and our aspirations to live the way of the vaisnavas, the basic practice of the "straight edge" were naturally become common to our daily lives....
I had stopped taking or using any intoxicants or substances almost 7 years ago and I'm a vegetarian for more then 13 years and smashed a television set 15 years ago and I'm not interested reading news papers or listening to radio news....What I read in a "straight edge" zine 20 years ago, some edgers were also avoiding televisions or anything that contaminates our minds.... I don't know if this figures were enough to consider me as a "straight edge" too...I'm not an authority or the proper source to talk about this things, coz as I had said I'm not old school enough to be "in"....Anyway, I don't think it's enough just to be categorized in this another bodily designations, because no matter you called yourself "straight edge" yet you still don't know who you really are, it makes no sense at all...and sometimes, some people who called themselves "straight edge" were heavily intoxicated by PRIDE and there's no difference on a wasted drunkard junkie life.... nothing but a proudfool.

Sell-outs? I guess most of us were sold out souls to the materialistic industrial commercial megamachine.....How essential it is to live what we believe... How vital it is to practice what we shout....better to live in poverty that to sell one's soul for an empty palace of gold...everything the world craves-- wealth, fame, amazing talent, worthless as the dung of a boar...Better to exist unknown than to sell one's soul for an empty fame..........

7. Can you describe your music. And what is the biggest influences for your music other than Krishna?
It's not music at all, it's NOISE, NOISE, NOISE and nothing but NOISE.... Hehe... We had a diverse and vague influences aside from the solemn and meditational vrindavan songs...... Bhakta Joel Pabuna likes UK Punk, Oi! , Grindcore and 70's stuffs Punk Rock...Gaurasundara is more on New York HC type Staright Edge Youth Crew, and Krishnacore bands... Marco Polo is into Heavy HC and Metalcore. Bhakta Vic likes Trashcore, Youth Crew and Grind and Crust Punk... My influences varies from CRASS - RESIST- D.R.I- SEVEN MINUTES OF NAUSEA- 108.. From Anarchopunk to Noisecore to Scandinavian HC and Trashpunk . Krishnacore bands affected our present day moods….

8. Few want to know you individually. Beside the band, what's your daily activities?
When we recorded this “The City Of Nine Gates” album for 7 hours, Bhakta Joel Pabuna missed out 2 working days, so when He showed up for work He was fired! Hahahaha. Now he’s jobless with a wife and 2 growing kids….Gaurasundara no job. Bhakta Marco still studying in College. Bhakta Vic just passed the board exam and will have a job soon…Me I had never experience or tried a waged job…. But We are very much happy with our daily lives. Everyday we maintain our daily personal practice of Bhakti Yoga, Mantra Meditation and we love to cook vegan/vegetarian meals and turned it into amazing Prasadam (Holy food, that present to Sri Krishna, WTPz)….We love to read and study and distribute the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. We have our weekly free vegan/vegetarian feast here in our ashram or Yoga Centers. We love to travel and share what we had learned from our teachers the Bhakti Yoga process to different people in all walks of life here in Philippines….

9. Do you participate or join a particular organization (such as the FNB for example)? If so, why do you follow it?
Long time ago we were involved in different struggles and autonomous resistance groups.. Now we are still very much active in collectives….. We just want to utilize our free time in a more progressive and sensible way…Most of us are volunteers of Food For Life, this is a non- profit non-government based on spirit of volunteerism and pure devotion to help alleviate the lives and consciousness of the conditioned living entities…Feeding the stomachs of the poor is not difficult, but feeding the starving hearts of humanity with Prema Bhakti – that is the greatest challenge. (Wow, awesome. What a great quotation. Absolutely much to get from this interview guys. we learn a lot. WTPz)

10. I had talked with your guitarist, Glenn Jason (Gaurasundara Das) about hc/punk scene in there. You have more "colorful" hc/punk scene than in Indonesia. (Negative, positive, religion, atheist, etc). As a Krishnacore-Vegan/Vegetarian-Straight Edge band, how do you put yourself in the middle of this "colorful" scene?
As long as there are kids in the scene who shows interests and enquires about life beyond the cubicle of punk/hc ghettos, N4S will strive for more active participation in the local D.I.Y scene….No matter how they tried to put us down or undermined us and other individuals or bands in the scene who are living a life of transcendence, the struggle and determination will not budge an inch. We will keep screaming for complete freedom, mosh around to bring joyous serenity from the inner depths of our consciousness and deliver the bliss in the midst of overwhelming sorrows, there’s no stopping us! Rediscover beyond deprivation. Sadness- monotony of modernity. Alive in the soul- at the hearts and tongues of those who celebrate it…We will rise above.

11. What is your plan in the near future?
Our plan is to continue what we are doing and maybe a tour outside Philippines…let us see…

12. There's last words to convey to our friends in Indonesia? Previously, thank you very much for your time guys.
Thank you very much again for this effort and for giving some interests on us, We really appreciate it… If anyone would like to learn further about what I had said, please feel free to write or communicate with us and we will surely write back.. You can contact us on this email add: …. And about our new album you are free to dowload it on: And if you like to have a cd copy you can trade with us just let me know….. Thanks again to all of you. Peace. Hare Krishna!

Monday, November 29, 2010


~~Hallo semuanya!! Kita mulai kembali dengan unggahan baru. Kali ini datang dari teman-teman N4S. Sebuah band Noisecore Punk asal Filipina yang baru saja merilis album, mereka semua adalah Straight Edge-vegan/vegetarian dan Hare Krishna devotees (Bhakta). Yeah, spread the positive message to everyone with music or anything else!!! Lumayan rada kenceng postingan kali ini, tapi tetap asik! Haha..
Kalian bisa men-download album mereka secara gratis.
So check them out, get their album for free and spread the message for this world!!!!
Hare Krishna!

About N4S:
All the band members were Straight Edge-vegan/vegetarian Hare Krishna devotees in the Philippines. The band is running since the early 90'. The members are:
Balarama Das - scream for N4S
Bhakta Joel Pabuna a.k.a Manay Doggie - transcendental barks
Gaurasundara Das - mystical guitar
Bhakta Marco Polo - yogi bass
Bhakta Vic - goloka drums

N4S contact:
They haven't myspace account, but you can contact them on email at:


*Our interview with N4S will coming soon. And will be publish on Better Day Zine (printed version and their blog too). So, keep check this blog and frequently!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Morally Straight: "ALL IN THE FAMILY, IMPULSE Records Net Compilation 2010"

~~Posting kali ini ramai sekali! Karena ini adalah kompilasi dari IMPULSE RECORDS. Di sini saya tidak akan membahas si record-nya. Saya meng-upload kompilasi ini karena ada MORALLY STRAIGHT di sana. Haha..
Ya, band yang pernah kami upload karyanya. Kali ini mereka mengikuti sebuah kompilasi. Lumayan banyak yang ikut dan kompilasi ini lintas negara. Nice!
Download this compilation for free!!!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


~~Aya NAON. Haha.. Itu bukan pertanyaan, melainkan pernyataan bahwa kali ini postingan datang dari teman-teman NAON. Sebuah band legend yang sudah lama malang-melintang dalam scene musik Bandung-West Java-Indonesia khususnya di-genre melodic punk. Sudah lama saya tidak mendengar tentang mereka, terakhir saya main bareng bersama NAON bulan Juni 2009 kalau tidak salah. Di daerah Bandung Timur, dan sayangnya acara tersebut diakhiri dengan adu jotos. Hahahaha.. What a great day with NAON!
Kangen, mungkin kata yang tepat jika kita bertemu atau mendengarkan rilisan-rilisan dari band-band besar zaman dahulu. Termasuk yang satu ini, kalian bisa download lagu-lagu NAON secara gratis. Dan mulailah menikmati kembali kenangan-kenangan kalian. Lagu "Hari ini, esok, dan Kemarin" dari NAON selalu mengingatkan saya pada kebersamaan yang dulu pernah dijalani. Hah, memang waktu berjalan terlalu cepat sehingga kita harus merelakan kenangan-kenangan yang kita miliki tergilas habis oleh datangnya waktu yang baru. Maaf, mungkin saya jadi terlihat seperti orang yang sedang curhat. So, don't hear me!! Haha.. Just download their songs for free!!!

Berkenalan dengan NAON:
NAON berdiri pada bulan September 1994 dengan formasi pertama:
Ridwan (voice/bass), Indra (voice/guitars), dan Adjie (Voice/drums).
Seiring berjalannya waktu, NAON sering berganti formasi seperti halnya
band lain. Sampai sekarang NAON memiliki 4 orang personil:
Indra (Voice/guitars/keyboard), Dinoz (voice/guitars), Adjie (voice/bass), and
Eko (Voice/drums).
NAON mengeluarkan demo album DIY pertama pada tahun 1997 yang berjudul
"Tong Nanya" berisikan 12 lagu (ska, punk, melodic).
Pada tahun 1999 mengeluarkan demo album kedua yang berjudul
"Toys Destroys Service" berisikan 12 lagu (melodic punk)
Naon juga ikut dalam beberapa kompilasi dengan band-band lokal
tanah air, di antaranya:
-Free style 1 bersama Rocket Rockers, Superman Is Dead, Respect dan band lainnya.
-No Place To Get Fun bersama band-band melodic punk tanah air.
-Riotus juga bergenre sama dengan sebelumnya.

NAON story:

NAON established in September 1994 with the first formation:
Ridwan (voice/bass), Indra (voice/guitars), and Adjie (Voice/drums).
Over time, NAON frequently changing formations as well as
other bands. Until now, NAON have 4:
Indra (Voice/guitars/keyboards), Dinoz (voice/guitars), Adjie (voice/bass), and Eko (Voice/drums).
NAON released their first DIY demo album in 1997 entitled "Tong Nanya" contains 12 songs (ska, punk, melodic).
In 1999 they released a second demo album titled "Toys Destroys Service" contains 12 songs (melodic punk).
Naon also participated in several compilations with local bands, among them:
-Free style 1 with Rocket Rockers, Superman Is Dead, Respect and other bands.
-No Place To Get Fun with Indonesian melodic punk bands.
-Riotus also the same as the previous genre.

NAON contact:

Download their songs:
Stab On My Back
Untukmu Tuan
Hari ini, esok, dan kemarin
Kalahkan Hari

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Burned Up

~~posting baru!!! Awal bulan ini kita kedatangan kawan-kawan dari BURNED UP. Band Hardcore asal Bandung-West Java-Indonesia ini memberikan oleh-oleh untuk kita semua, sebuah single mereka. Atmosfir Beatdown Hardcore sangat terasa ketika kita mulai men-turn on lagu mereka. Haha.. sangat 'membakar', sama seperti nama mereka. Pastikan bahwa band yang ter-influence oleh; Terror, Hatebreed, dan Thick As Blood ini masuk dalam playlist kalian!!! A must Have! Download their single for free!!

Berkenalan dengan Burned Up:
BURNED UP adalah sebuah band yang bergenre Hardcore Trash yang terbentuk pada awal tahun 2008. Awalnya kami bernama LOCAL HEROES, tapi nama itu sudah ada yang memakai, lalu kami pun memutuskan mencari nama yang lain, nama yang lebih panten untuk kita. Dan akhirnya nama BURNED UP lah yang kami pakai sampai saat ini.
Dengan formasi Choky pada vocal, Bino pada gitar lead, Aconx pada gitar rythm, Kikiw pada bass, dan Combat pada drum. Dengan formasi ini kami tetap solid sampai hari ini. Dengan lagu single "breakdown it all" kami harap masyarakat bandung, khususnya penikmat musik Hardcore bisa menikmati karya kita.
Salam BUHC!!

Burned Up story:
BURNED UP is a Trash Hardcore band that formed in early 2008. Initially they called LOCAL HEROES, but the name was already wearing, then they decided to find another name, a name that more panten for them. And finally, BURNED UP that they use today.
Burned Up is: Choky on vocals, Bino on lead guitar, Aconx on rythm guitar , Kikiw on bass, and Combat on drums. With this formation they remain solid to this day. With the single "Breakdown It All" they hope Hardcore music lovers can enjoy their work.
Greetings from Burned Up Hardcore!

Burned Up contact:


Breakdown It All

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haybomb: Live Videos

~~Post!! Beruntung online barusan. Hehe.. Saya mendapatkan link video ini dari gitaris Haybomb sendiri. Video live Haybomb saat manggung. Semoga ini dapat mengobati kerinduan kalian yang merindukan mereka dan yang belum sempat melihat mereka manggung (termasuk saya..Haha), check this one out!!!!

Haybomb live video:

Crossed A Line

Two Thumbs Up

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kick It Out

~~Postingan yang baru saja saya dapatkan. Langsung saja saya upload karena blog ini membutuhkannya. Haha..
Postingan ini dari Kick It Out, ini adalah single terbaru mereka. Judulnya Tak Tau Malu (fuck aishiteru). Ehmm.. dari judul lagunya mungkin mereka sedang patah hati ketika membuat lagunya. Haha.. Hanya tebakan saja. Untuk jelasnya, kalian bisa langsung men-download lagunya. Gratis!!!
Download their new song for free!!!


Tak Tau Malu (Fuck Aishiteru)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Glosalia: Video Clip

~~Serangan lagi-lagi datang dari Glosalia. Kali ini mereka memberikan kita secercah cahaya refleksi diri mereka jika kita melihat mereka secara kasat mata. Terima kasih teman-teman Glosalia!! Setelah sebelumnya kalian bisa men-download lagu mereka dalam format mp3, kali ini kalian bisa melihat wajah-wajah tampan para personil Glosalia. Lumer dalam visual yang ditampilkan, menjadi soundtrack bagi yang "terdoktrin" lewat lirik yang Glosalia rajut untuk kalian. Semua tersaji dalam imaji yang akan kalian resapi dan ketika kalian tersadar bahwa ini hanyalah ilusi, semua itu niscaya kan sirna. Hah, apa yang sedang saya bicarakan?! (sok bergaya bahasa sastra.Haha..)
Selamat menikmati!!! Check this out and enjoy the atmosphere!!

Glosalia "Niscaya Kan Sirna" video clip:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Simple Strong

~~lagi..dan lagi... postingan dari band Hardcore asal Bandung-West Java-Indonesia. Serangan kali ini datang dari Simple Strong, band yang belum lama terbentuk ini baru saja merilis demo mereka yang pertama. Walaupun terbilang baru, saya yakin mereka akan memberi warna baru. Kita serasa dibawa ke masa kejayaan Hardcore era 90-an. Sesuai dengan influence mereka, seperti; In My Eyes, Sick of It All, Better Than A Thousand, Shutdown, sampai The First Step. Saya kira Better Than A Thousand yang sangat terasa dalam musik mereka. Hah, itu hanya sekadar penilaian individu saya sebagai "pembajak" musik mereka. Hahaha.. Makanya, download-lah demo mereka dengan segera!! Tak usah ragu karena kita telah "membajak" -kannya untuk kalian semua. Dan ini.. gratis!!! Haha.. Check 'em out!!

Berkenalan dengan Simple Strong:
SIMPLE STRONG terbentuk oktober 2009 dengan formasi: xIwongx (vokal), xAthax (gitaris), xYudix (basis), Imunk (drum). Terinspirasi dari band-band Hardcore awal 90-an.
Kami meciptakan sebuah pesan melalui karya musik untuk tetap selalu bersatu tanpa ada perpecahan dan belajar untuk tetap percaya terhadap kebenaran.

Simple Strong story:
Formed in October 2009, Simple Strong are: xIwongx (vocal), xAthax (guitarist), xYudix (bassist), Imunk (drum). Inspired by early Hardcore bands in 90's.
We create a message through a piece of music to remain always united and learn to keep believing the truth.

Simple Strong contact:

Download their songs:

What All The Answer

Tetap Bersama

Thursday, October 21, 2010


~~Yeah, it's Progressive Metal attack!! Postingan kali ini lengkap luar biasa, mulai dari biografi band (yang tidak singkat, dan kalian bisa lihat sendiri), sampai contact band yang sangat mendetail. Fuck yeah! Haha..
Kali ini, Ballerina yang berbagi. Band Progressive Metal asal Bandung-West Java-Indonesia. Empat orang yang tak pernah menyerah memperjuangkan idealismenya di tengah "keseragaman" bermusik di tanah air yang katanya "kaya" budaya ini. Check them video clip out too & download their album for free!!!

Berkenalan dengan Ballerina:
Ballerina adalah sebuah band asal Bandung yang terdiri dari empat orang musisi yaitu Opi (voice), Nico (guitar & synthesizer), Riky (drum & percussion) dan Joe (bass). Terbentuk pada awal tahun 1998 dengan nama Suhunan Root, dan merubah nama band ini menjadi Ballerina pada tahun 2002.
Pada awalnya band ini mengusung aliran atau warna musik Hard Rock dan Heavy Metal, namun semakin berkembangnya musik seiring dengan berjalannya waktu band ini akhirnya menemukan jati dirinya sebagai band beraliran Progressive Metal. Musik seperti ini tentunya sangat jarang diminati oleh penikmat musik dan juga para musisi, apalagi perusahaan-perusahaan rekaman yang berada di jalur komersil.
Seperti kita ketahui ada nama-nama besar seperti: RUSH, YES, PINK FLOYD, DREAM THEATER, dan lain-lain. Mereka pun melalui perjalanan sangat panjang dan rumit untuk bisa memperkenalkan musik mereka hingga akhirnya sukses sebagai band papan atas yang juga ditakuti oleh para musisi lain di jaman nya.
Begitu pula Ballerina berjuang keras dengan semangat dan ketulusan untuk bisa memperkenalkan dan mengkomersilkan musik Progressive di tanah air, sampai akhirnya Ballerina membuktikan dengan terpilih sebagai juara 1 dan sebagai band Progressive terbaik di Indonesia pada ’11 AMI AWARDS 2008 di Jakarta.
Secara musikalitas Ballerina menggabungkan banyak aliran musik seperti: Rock, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Blues, Latin, Pop hingga musik tradisional. Tentunya mereka menggabungkan aliran musik itu semua dengan gaya mereka sendiri dan selalu menyesuaikan dengan musik yang menjadi trend pada saat ini.
Sampai saat ini Ballerina sudah menghasilkan karya sebanyak 2 album yaitu, album “HAYAL” tahun 2003 yang masih memproduksi secara indie label di Flange Music Corner Record, dan album “Dance Of Balet” tahun 2006 yang diproduksi oleh PRS Record yang berada dibawah naungan IPS (Indonesian Progressive Society) yang bekerjasama dengan Major Label, Sony BMG sebagai pihak distributor.
Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, tanpa disadari bahwa karya-karya kami tidak hanya diminati oleh kalangan penikmat musik Indonesia saja, tetapi banyak pula pihak-pihak yang berkompeten di bidang musik mancanegara yang menyukai dan ingin mempublikasikan karya-karya kami di negaranya.
Oleh karena itu hingga saat ini Ballerina akan terus berusaha untuk terus menghasilkan karya-karya progressive mereka agar dapat diterima dan dinikmati oleh semua kalangan masyarakat penikmat musik Indonesia dan mancanegara.

Ballerina story:
Ballerina is a band from Bandung, which consists of four musicians are: Opi (voice), Nico (guitar & synthesizer), Riky (drums & percussion) and Joe (bass). Formed in early 1998 with the name Suhunan Root, and change the name of the band became Ballerina in 2002.
At first the band was carrying the flow or the color of Hard Rock and Heavy Metal music, but the music develops further over time the band finally finds himself as the Progressive Metal band. Music like this course very rarely in demand by music lovers and musicians, especially recording companies which are in commercial lines.
As we know there are big names such as: RUSH, YES, Pink Floyd, DREAM THEATER, and others. They even through very long and complicated journey to be able to introduce their music to eventually succeed as a top band is also feared by other musicians in his era.
Similarly Ballerina struggling with passion and sincerity to be able to introduce and commercialize Progressive music in the country. Until finally Ballerina prove themselves as champions elect 1 and as best Progressive band in Indonesia in '11 AMI AWARDS 2008 in Jakarta.
The musicality Ballerina incorporates many musical genres such as: Rock, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Blues, Latin, Pop to traditional music. Surely they combine it all with music stream their own style and always adjust to the music that became a trend at this time.
Until now Ballerina already produced work that is as much as 2 albums, the album "Hayal" in 2003 which still produce the indie label in Flange Music Corner Records, and the album "Dance Of Ballet" in 2006, produced by the PRS Record under the auspices of the IPS ( Indonesian Progressive Society) in cooperation with Major Label, Sony BMG as the distributor.
Over time, without realizing that our works are not only interested by the Indonesian music lovers, but there are many parties who are competent in the field of foreign music like and want to publish our works in his country.
Therefore, until now Ballerina will continue to strive to continue to produce works of their progressive order to be accepted and enjoyed by all people of Indonesia and music lovers.

Ballerina in virtual world:

Jl. A.H. Nasution No. 519 B Cibiru Bandung

Sany : +62 (022) 76165052, +6285824566955

Email :

Ballerina's "Faith" video clip:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rockflames Island

~~Postingan ini harusnya ada kemarin, tapi karena sempat diancam hujan angin yang sangat dahsyat serta letupan halilintar yang menderu, baru hari ini kami post.
kali ini teman-teman dari ROCKFLAMES ISLAND yang mau berbagi dengan kita semua. Band Hardcore asal Bandung-West Java-Indonesia ini berbagi dua lagu untuk kita semua. Silakan simak perkenalan dari mereka dan jangan ragu untuk langsung men-download lagu mereka. Masih gratis!! haha..
Check 'em out!!

Berkenalan dengan RFI:
ROCKFLAMES ISLAND nama yang memberi sebuah kekuatan pada kami. Terbentuk sejak 10 agustus 2004 dengan personil: Koheng (guitar bass), Kamz (guitar rhytm), Edo (guitar lead), Aji (vocal ), Juri (drum). Mengawali dengan jenis musik alternative yang sedikit demi sedikit memberikan nyawa pada ROCKFLAMES ISLAND. Dua tahun kemudian perubahan personil pun tak dapat kami tolak. Edo keluar dari band, Penyu masuk menjadi (guitar bass). Sedangkan jenis musik yang kami mainkan tetap sama. Perubahan yang terjadi pun belum dapat membentuk attitude kami, dan pada tahun 2007 kembali terjadi perubahan personil, Edo masuk sebagai pemain drum, menggantikan Juri. Ada kekosongan pada vokal, hal ini bukan hambatan untuk terus memberikan nyawa pada ROCKFLAMES ISLAND. Koheng mengambil posisi sebagai vokal dan guitar bass. Jenis musik yang kami mainkan pun mulai berubah. Tak lama setelah itu, Aldi/Pepey masuk sebagai orang baru mengisi kekosongan pada vokal. Sebuah komitmen tanpa disadari mengikuti perjalanan kami, keseriusan moral mulai tumbuh dengan terciptanya lagu. Sebuah eksplorasi sound power distortion dari Kamz, dilengkapi detakan drum Edo, membuat ROCKFLAMES ISLAND semakin bernyawa ditambah attitude rock n roll Koheng pada lead gitar yang memberikan kelembutan, serta dentuman bass Penyu, ditambah scream-growl dari Pepey, melekatkan HARDCORE pada ROCKFLAMES ISLAND hingga kini . Yeah, itulah sejumput kisah kecil perjalanan musik kami. Dan semua berawal dari apa yang kami rasakan, musik bagi kami adalah identitas sakral yang di dalamnya dibangun dari konsistensi serta kreatifitas yang beroktan sangat tinggi tanpa mengenal batasan rasional. Dan HARDCORE bagi kami adalah sebuah attitude yang bukan hanya sekedar keras bagi telinga penikmat musik tertentu, tetapi juga lembut menghantarkan perubahan melalui lirik-lirik nyata yang keluar tanpa mendramatisasi nurani. Kebesaran nama bukanlah sesuatu yang hakiki bagi kami. Selama peristiwa tak bicara dengan kata yang terbuka, jiwa kami akan tetap selalu ada memberi makna dan merubah cara kerja nurani yang yang tak pernah mau merasa. "YES WE ARE HARDCORE,

*Formasi RFI sekarang:
Aldi: Vocal
Kams: Guitar
Tomank: Bass
Edo: Drum

Rockflames Island story:
ISLAND ROCKFLAMES. Name that gives a strength to us. Formed since 10 August 2004: Koheng (bass guitar), Kamz (rhythm guitar), Edo (lead guitar), Aji (vocals), Jury (drums). Starting with this type of alternative music that little by little to give life to ROCKFLAMES ISLAND. Two years later, any personnel changes we can not refuse. Edo quit the band, Penyu entered into (bass guitar). While the types of music we play remains the same. Changes that occurred were not able to establish our attitude, and in 2007 returned a change of personnel, Edo signed in as drummer, replacing Jury. There is a vacancy on vocals, this is not the obstacle to continue giving life to ROCKFLAMES ISLAND. Koheng took a position as a vocal and bass guitar. Type of music we play began to change. Not long after that, Aldi/Pepey entry as a new person to fill the void on vocals. An unwitting commitment to follow our journey, moral seriousness began to grow with the creation of songs. An exploration of sound power distortion of Kamz, equipped Edo drum beats, make ROCKFLAMES ISLAND increasingly lifeless plus rock n roll attitude Koheng on lead guitar that provides softness, and pounding bass Penyu, plus a scream-growl of Pepey, embedding in ROCKFLAMES ISLAND HARDCORE until now . Yeah, that's a small pinch of the story of our musical journey. And all started from what we feel, the music for us is sacred in which identity is built from the consistency and very high-octane creativity without limitation rational. And HARDCORE for us was an attitude that is not just hard for the ears of music lovers particular, but also gently deliver change through real lyrics that come out without dramatizing conscience. Greatness of name is not something intrinsic to us. During the event did not speak with words that are open, our souls will still always be there to give meaning and alter the workings of conscience who never wants to feel. "YES WE ARE HARDCORE,

*The latest RFI line up is:
Aldi: Vocal
Kams: Guitar
Tomank: Bass
Edo: Drum

Rockflames Island contact:

Think Twice

Saturday, October 9, 2010


~~Kali ini postingan datang dari BLACKBLOOD, band Hardcore asal Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat-Indonesia yang telah merilis EP mereka. Ternyata Indonesia bukan hanya kaya akan budaya, melainkan juga kaya akan musik-musik Hardcore-nya! Terima kasih Gunk Blackblood buat EP-nya. Sukses terus!!
Buat yang suka ber-beatdown ria, band ini wajib masuk playlist kalian!! Ya, tapi setelah kalian memasukan lagu-lagu dari Hatebreed, Madball, Throwdown, First Blood, Icepick, dan juga Terror tentunya. Saya suka kata-kata mereka: "To wake the dumb up who think Hardcore is dead. To realize the people who think Hardcore is just about fashion."
Yeah, kick ass!!

So, let's get their free EP!! Download it!! Don't worry, it's still free!! Haha..

The Mataram city (Nusa Tenggara Barat-Indonesia) young gun Hardcore. The band was born unloved on valentine day 2009. For the first time hit the stage of an event called "Black Valentine" (A Solidarity For Palestine) on that day and performing some songs from First Blood and Icepick. This band is a kind of transplantation project. Every member of the band are not a brand new guy in the music and scene in Mataram City. Actually they're coming from another bands that have a different kind of music. The singer was a member of "Subhero" (Mataram Crustcore band) before, both guitar players were coming from "Subhero" and "Berhala", the bass player was play in "Pancake" (Mataram Punk Rock Band) and the drum player was a member of "Back To Fight" (Mataram Grindcore Band). As the transplantation completed, they're reborn as "BLACKBLOOD". They grew as a Hardcore kids who decided to build a new Hardcore history in Mataram City. Now, they are there. To wake the dumb up who think Hardcore is dead. To realize the people who think Hardcore is just about fashion. To bring the real spirit of Hardcore to the hopeless. As die hard as they come. They create their own black world. With their own bloody rules. They are.. BLACKBLOOD!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


~~ Belum ada posting lagu-lagu baru ke blog ini. Tapi kami punya video dari band teman kami xLIFETIMEx, band Veggie (Vegetarian/Vegan) Straight Edge Hardcore asal Yogyakarta-Indonesia. Buat yang suka dengan; PATH OF RESISTANCE, xREPRESENTx, xTYRANTx, dan EARTH CRISIS pasti suka band ini. Video yang saya upload ini adalah video mereka saat manggung di Amphi Theater Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Jumat 24 September 2010. Ya, itu bulan lalu...Hahaha..lagi-lagi telat mengunggah. Tapi mudah-mudahan video ini dapat mengganjal keinginan kalian untuk mendapat lagu-lagu baru secara gratisan dari blog sederhana ini. Harap bersabar untuk band-band selanjutnya! Haha!
Dan terima kasih buat xEl Veganox yang telah mengijinkan kami mengunggah video xLTx di blog wtp. Sukses selalu! Ditunggu karya-karyanya!!!

Go Veggie Straight Edge!!!

xLIFETIMEx live Video:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Worms Strong

~~Lagi, posting baru!! Dua sekaligus nih untuk sekarang! haha
Sekarang datang dari band yang bernama Worms Strong. Band asal Bandung-West Java_Indonesia, yang siap mengumpat tajam setiap ketidakadilan! yeah, haha So, let's check 'em out!! And download their song for free!!

WORMS STRONG terbentuk di bandung 28 FEBRUARY 2009 yang beranggotakan GALIH ( vox ), GILANG ( guitar ), ERIS ( bass ), dan xHENDIx ( drumer ).
Berawal dari keinginan untuk menghilangkan citra negatif yang memang melekat pada genre musik yang mereka anut hardcore ataupun scene underground umumnya terbentuklah band ini dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya.


Worms STRONG formed in Bandung on 28 February 2009. Worms Strong members: Galih(vox), Gilang (guitar), Eris (bass), and xHendix (drums).
Starting from a desire to eliminate the negative image that is attached to the hardcore music genre or the underground scene in general. Formed this band with all its shortcomings and advantages.

Worms Strong contact:

Download their song here:

Bersama Dalam Perbedaan


~~Hah, akhirnya ada lagi posting baru! haha..
Kali ini postingan dari teman-teman Noda. Band Hardcore/Rock/Punk (atau apapun kalian menyebutnya) asal Bandung-West Java-Indonesia.

Serasa kembali menikmati masa lalu bersama Noda, ketika era 90-an. Dengan sound yang gahar serta permainan lead, pedal wah, dan cabikan bass mengingatkan kita pada Balcony di era kejayaan Saparua. Disertai ketukan drum dan style vokal yang "bernyanyi" serta lirik-lirik yang "membakar" membuat kita tidak tahan untuk selalu bergerak, bernyanyi, dan berteriak. Dan karakter vokalnya mengingatkan kita pula akan sosok Arian 13 (Puppen).
Seperti sedang menyaksikan Pas band+Puppen+Balcony+(dan juga) Pantera, dan Ignite. Yang pasti, Arian 13 terlahir kembali!!! Yeeaaahh!!
Yes, awesome!!
Check them out and download their songs for free!! *reviewed by RV

Noda intro:
Coming from Bandung City-West Java-Indonesia, play cross-over music from the hardcore/rock.
Noda is: Ewied (drums), Panjie (guitar), Sony (Bass), and Sena (Vox). Never ceased to terrorize music lovers with aggressive music and share the excitement propaganda on the dance floor . And just call them ... NODA.

Noda contact:

and check their new video clip here:

Download their songs here:


Membakar Luka